More About Us
“Love consists in desiring to give what is our own to another and feeling his delight as our own.”
– Emanuel Swedenborg
Founded in 1831, the Elmwood New Church has been a spiritual home for those seeking a broader vision of Christianity through the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg.
Our church offers a vision of God as infinitely loving, within each of us at the core of our being. We believe that spiritual growth is like”spiritual re-birthing”, growing in our conscious contact with God through our willingness to turn away from the bad in ourselves (repent) and turn to the good (reformation). As a result, we are regenerated to live a life useful to all people and the community at large. Only through an active, useful and loving life on earth can we be regenerated and brought to knowledge of the Divine.
Minister: Rev. Dr. Donna Keane
President: Rollie Locke
Organist: Paul Huberdeau
The Swedenborgian Church is an open-minded, forward looking Christian church drawing its faith from the Bible as illuminated by the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772). If you have serious questions about traditional Christian theology, yet wish to explore the deeper aspects of the Bible and the Christian faith, we may be what you are looking for. We worship a God of unconditional love, whose warmth and light can deepen your inner life and give direction to your spiritual journey.
Our Pastor
The Reverend Dr. Donna Keane has served as the pastor at the Elmwood New Church since the mid-1990s. Rev. Keane has a background in recovery, and is a licensed mental health counselor.
Learn more about what drew Rev. Keane to the Swedenborgian christianity in her sermon, “Why I Am Swedenborgian”.